Bio Swale Repair

Dear Neighbors:

The HOA board will spend approximately $2825.00 to repair damage to the bio-swale located between lots nine and ten and the work will begin as soon as the Sussex Conservation District (the District) is able to start.

The repairs will involve removal of the existing rip-rap, adding fill and compacting the eroded area; adding landscape fabric and replacing and adding rip-rap as needed.  Without these repairs the eroded area will widen and deepen; continually increasing in the sediment flowing into the lake.   A cost estimate, provided by Matthew Messina, project manager for the District, is provided for your information.   Please note that the estimate includes a 50% cost match provided by the District.

Background:  On September 8th, 2016 the District inspected all swales in Willow Lake. Only one roadside swale required repair at that time.*  In late September or early October our area was deluged with 12 inches of rain over a two day period.  Damage to the bio-swale in question occurred during those storms.   On October 18, 2016, the District was asked to assess the damage and on January

26, 2017 Mr. Messina evaluated the bio-swale and forwarded his estimate a few days later.

Funding the Repair:  What portion of the cost of this repair will come from the current operating budget will be determined later this year when the actual 2017 operating expenditures can be more accurately estimated.  However, even if the entire $2825 was taken from capital reserves, the annual assessment would only increase by about $5.06 per lot.

As soon as a start date is known, the Board will post that information on the community website.   If you have any questions, please contact Bob Grasso,; Kathleen Schisler,; or Robert Lamontagne,

*The cost of repairing the roadside swale will be included in the 2018 operating budget.

View the cost estimate… and view our Facebook page to discuss this project


HOA Board Members