Committee Guidelines / Descriptions

Architectural Control Committee

The goal of the committee is to make sure that planned exterior improvements are in compliance with the Declaration of Reservations, Restrictions, Covenants and Easements for Willow Lake. All business of the Architectural Control Committee shall be conducted solely in writing. Any action of the committee shall require a majority affirmative vote of its full membership and no committee member shall be authorized or empowered to unilaterally approve any submitted request. A judgment by the committee may be appealed to the Board. The Architectural Control Committee shall report on its activities to the Board of Directors and all actions by the committee shall be subject to the Board of Directors review, revision and/or revocation.

Common Area Committee

The primary objective of the common area committee is to make recommendations to the Board to enhance the value of Willow Lake through maintenance and beautification and to maintain a safe environment of the common area for residents. Duties include:

  1. Monitor and ensure the upkeep of trees and shrubs in common areas.
  2. Monitor entrance area sign for lighting and maintenance.
  3. Monitor the condition of the flag pole and replace flag as conditions warrant.

Lake, Swales and Woods Committee

The committee shall:

  1. Monitor the triploid carp population in the lake by assessing the presence of hydrilla and other invasive aquatic plant species and recommending the addition of new carp based on need; maintain barrier to overflow pipe into Sheep Pen Ditch.
  2. Monitor phragmites growth and obtain estimates for removal when necessary.
  3. Monitor resident Canada Geese population and apply Federally approved suppression policies (egg addling) to control population proportional to the lake size. Obtain Federal permit for egg addling and do necessary reporting.
  4. Monitor the fishing/boat launching areas and lake trail. Obtain estimates to maintain these areas.
  5. Monitor bioswales to lake and swales adjacent to road. Obtain estimates for repair of swales when warranted.

Roads Committee

Oversee the ongoing maintenance of the roads. Familiarize themselves with proper procedures for repairing and resurfacing the roads including selecting appropriate specifications and review all contracts pertaining to the road and make recommendations to the Board. Periodically inspect the road to determine the need for any work to be done.