H.O.A. Meeting Minutes – Saturday, September 19, 2020

Members Present:  Don Mentzer, Bob Scapicchio, Gene McMillen, Robert LaMontagne Members Present Telephonically:  Steve Kempe

Robert LaMontagne discussed the Architectural Control Committee (ACC) and how the guidelines document need to be clarified.  This document is intended to assist property owners in submitting applications for improvements to their properties.  The Board would then be able to respond better based on the clarification.  

Gene McMillen discussed the Common area group clean-up & Trail walk-around before the Winter.  There will be another group clean-up, which is scheduled for the last Saturday in October (31st).  The knock out roses will also be pruned back during this clean-up.

Robert LaMontagne discussed the Summer time Common area clean-up.  This was very well attended and completed nicely.  THANK YOU TO ALL WHO VOLUNTEERED THEIR TIME!!  Robert also discussed the recent trail clean-up around the lake and advised there were eleven (11) volunteers that helped out.  Day Lillies will be donated to the Community and planted.  Decorative plantings (Sedum) in the median can be split and replanted at the front of the Community.  Don Mentzer advised that Sussex Tree came and ground up the Bradford Pear stump at the entrance on Governor Stockley Rd.

Don Mentzer also advised that the Phragmites eradication treatment is scheduled for this coming Thursday (September 24th) and that two properties in the Community will be treated.  The majority of the Phragmites treatment will be on the lakefront bordering the trail.  
The H.O.A. Annual Meeting will not be held at the Senior Center this year due to the Covid-19 concerns.  Alternatives are being considered.  The Board’s goal is to distribute the package material before October 12, 2020 and the packet will be sent electronically.  The electronic packet will include instructions on how to return your ballots and information on any questions you may have.  

Steve Kempe reviewed a quote from STIndustries for Landscaping services to Willow Lake for 2021.  The Board agreed that Collins Lawncare will be awarded the Landscaping and Snow Removal contract for 2021 (one year contract).

Steve Kempe provided a Financial Status as of September 18, 2020.

Respectfully submitted, 
Robert Scapicchio