HOA Board Mtg. Minutes July 2022

Those present were Don Mentzer, President, Steve Kempe, Treasurer, & Ray Hopkins, Secretary

Don M. called the meeting together at 3:03pm.

Steve K. reported on the financial status.  The Board will review the Certificate of Deposit rates in August, 2022 to determine the new term and rate of interest for the three CD’s due in September.

The front landscape was reviewed by the Common Area Committee and boxwoods were rearranged & watered by Bob Grasso, Steve Kempe, and Robert Lamontagne. 

No volunteers responded to the latest email requesting new members to the Board.  Another email will be sent requesting new members and if none respond then a Property Management Company will provide costs at a significant increase in our annual HOA fees.

The meeting adjourned at 2:47pm.

Respectively submitted,

Ray Hopkins
