HOA MTG Minutes from 5/14/18

HOA MTG Minutes from 5/14/18 5:30 p.m.


  1. Financial Review- HOA finances were reviewed. There is still one outstanding 2018 assessment.  The recent road repair of $1000 was not budgeted for but the operating account is still projected to cover our remaining expenses for the year.
  2. Lot #5 Owner is planning to fill in low area in center of property. Request will be submitted before start.
  3. HOA Insurance- investigated to see what additional coverage would cost. Current policy is in line with typical HOAs, and increasing coverage can only be obtained by getting an umbrella policy at a cost of $750 per million in coverage.  It was decided to keep our coverage as is.
  4. The community road and swales will be evaluated to determine if we need to include funding for those items in the 2019 budget.
  5. Audit/Financial review committee from last year to be contacted to start review for current year. Reach out to community for new/additional members.  Please contact a board member if interested.
  6. Next meeting scheduled for July 19, 6 p.m.
Photo by Paula Alberici
We had a duck nest with 12 eggs by the side of our house. All hatched but 1. Jim was able to get a pic of them. Photo by Paula Alberici