HOA MTG Minutes from Sept. 2018

Willow Lake HOA

Board Meeting, September 10, 2018


Attendees: Treasurer Kathleen Schisler, Recording Secretary Ben Ables, President Bob Grasso


Financial Review

  • Overall financial status was reviewed including checking account, all deposit accounts, and comparison of expenditures and budget.
  • Financial Review Committee, Erin Steele, Luke Nyman, and Bob Scapicchio have nearly completed their independent review of all expenditures and accounts.
  • Unpaid assessment; a letter offering a payment schedule was sent to a member with an unpaid assessment.


Goose Population

  • The board discussed contracting the USDA to remove geese from the community in June or July, 2019. It was decided that the measure will be put to a vote during the annual meeting.  The geese removal would involve the following steps:
    • The USDA will determine the feasibility of goose removal operation in our community
    • Permission for use of private property would be obtained if necessary
    • If removal is feasible, geese will be captured live and euthanized off site.
    • Cost is approximately $3500.00

Additional information about this matter will be included in the letter all members will receive prior to the annual meeting scheduled for November 3, 2018.



The Sussex Conservation District recently inspected the bio-swales in Willow Lake.  Their report of July 16 indicated maintenance was required for the bio-swales between lots 12 and 13; between lots 18 and 19; and between lots 28 and 29.

  • The bio-swale between lots 12 and 13 requires the removal several of weedy willows of 10 feet or more. Work at the other bio-swales is not extensive.
  • The board will ask for community volunteers to assist with the work at the annual meeting.


Architectural Review

Members are reminded that approval is required for exterior improvements of any kind.  The Application for Improvement form can be downloaded from the community website.


Snow Markers

Additional snow markers will be purchased.  Markers will be placed in late November.


Next Meeting; October 7, 2018