Home Owners Association Board Meeting

January 18, 2022

Those present: Don Mentzer, President; Steve Kempe, Treasurer; Ray Hopkins, Secretary

The meeting was called to order by Don at 1:30pm.  The following items were discussed.

  1. Steve reported on the financial status.  The investments and bank accounts show little movement and the report was accepted.
  2. Don spoke of the paving of Lakeshore Drive.  We are on hold with the State of Delaware Transportation Fund as the funds are distributed for 2021-2022.  New monies will be available July of this year at which time we will continue our effort to secure funding.
  3. Don will secure November 5, 2022 at the Indian River Senior Center for our annual Association meeting.  The rental for the room will be paid during Don’s visit to the Center.
  4. A discussion on the property damage done at the time of the snow plowing resulted in a decision to make an effort to learn about easements on each homeowner’s lot.  As more information is discovered this will be shared with the community.  Further, Collins Landscaping has admitted that the plow did cause damage to the property at two locations.  When the weather breaks, Collins will begin repairs.
  5. Discussion was held about installing No Trespassing signs at various locations in the community.

There being no topics for the Open Forum the meeting adjourned at 3:00pm.

Respectively submitted,

Raymond T. Hopkins


(Photo credit: Steve Kempe)