Homeowners Board Meeting Minutes – January 2017

Meeting Minutes
Willow Lake Homeowners Board Meeting
January 6, 2017 10 am Attendees: Robert Grasso, Kathleen Schisler, Robert Lamontagne

1. Formalize Bylaw change:
The change to the bylaws that was approved at the annual meeting has been formalized and is awaiting the president’s signature and notarization.

2. Taxes:
The treasurer presented a review of the timeline for filing state and federal taxes; indicated that there is on line payment process available. Treasurer will follow up on information concerning free tax preparation for the HOA. Also, the Registered Agent needs to be changed. Reviewing process for completion of task and if the PO Box can be used as the address.

3. Financial Status:
The Board decided on a format for the financial review for future meetings. The CDs, receipts for assessments, other bills were discussed. Board would like to get as many bills sent to the PO Box as possible and to put reoccurring bills on autopay. Currently assessing 2016 financial status and whether we ended the year with more than 10% of the operating budget in the checking account. Waiting for previous treasurer to return to get any mail that may have been sent to his address.

4. Documentation review:
The financials and correspondence files are available electronically from 2008 –2014. The treasurer is reviewing information on a CD from the previous treasurer. Specifically, the treasurer is reviewing how and when funds are received for preparation of the 2016 Federal tax return and if the taxes can be done “gratis” by a CPA who does other HOAs taxes for free. The board will ask the outgoing board for electronic copies of all their records involving HOA business.

5. 2015 – 2016 Community Correspondence:
Presently 19 homeowners have paid their assessments. January 31, 2017 is the due date for 2017 assessments. Interest will accrue at the rate of 1.5% after that date. Treasurer would like to post on website information on how the community is doing with the yearly budget. It was decided that the treasurer would submit a flow sheet to the president of all financial transactions since the president is a cosigner on the financial accounts and would need to be kept current in case the treasurer was not available. Files will be reviewed for completeness of Annual meetings and recorded votes as well as general correspondence to and from members.

6. Legal matters 2015-2016:
The Board will review all information concerning 2015-2016 legal matters and incorporate the information electronically.

7. Water Conservation District:
The Water Conservation District has been contacted about the bioswale repair between lots 9 – 10. Inquires will be made about possible grants for this type of repair after an estimate has been obtained.

8. Snow Removal Contact Person:
The previous contact person has been removed from contact list and the president has assumed this role.

9. Ables Project:
An email was received by the board concerning Zachery Ables Eagle Scout project. Essentially it would encompass improving the trail around the lake: wood chipping areas, bridge over swampy area, benches, etc. Board has asked for more detailed specifications and costs for the project.

The next board meeting is scheduled for March 4, 2017 at 10:00 am. Contact a board member if you plan to attend.