March Home Owners Association Board Meeting

March 8, 2022

Those present: Don Mentzer, President; Steve Kempe, Treasurer; Ray Hopkins, Secretary

The meeting was called to order by Don at 1:31 pm.  The following items were discussed:

               Steve reviewed the 4 CD’s.  After a discussion about the current rate of .50% we thought the best route, renewing March, 2022, would be to renew one of the four at six months and the other of the four at twelve months.  The other two renew in September, 2022.  He will renew said date on March 17, 2022.

               A new American flag was installed at the entrance for $45.00.

               Steve reviewed the treasury report.  The report was received.

               A discussion was held about the three boxwood plants at the entrance. 

               The annual meeting of our HOA will be held November 5 at the Indian River Senior Center in Millsboro.             

               New No Trespassing signs were attached to trees along the community trail February 20.

               Two new welcome signs were installed along Governor Stockley Road plus street marker

 atop the stop sign by the State of Delaware.

               On 11 March, Board members patched two potholes on the east side lane on Lakeshore Dr.

               The first addling of goose eggs will take place March 26. 

               Please remember the posted speed limit is 20 miles per hour.

               We suggest that when “old Man Winter” arrives that each property owner place “snow sticks” to indicate where snow plows not move snow.

               The board would like to hear an opinion from property owners about the condition of the road.  Like me, for those that do not drive the whole roadway, please do so to form an opinion.  By the way, two pot holes were filled in with a cold patch mixture this past week.

There being no topics for the Open Forum the meeting adjourned at 2:49pm.

Respectively submitted,

Raymond T. Hopkins III

