Meeting Minutes – May 4, 2015

Meeting Minutes Willow Lake Homeowners Board Meeting May 4, 2015 6 pm

Attendees: Cheryl Mitchell, Brad Hudson, Robert Lamontagne

1. Financial Report:

a. Annual Assessments – 1 assessment has not been paid.

b. Delaware COOP bills have been paid/average of $25.00 each month.

c. Mark Hitchen has been paid for the mulching and general cleanup in the common area. He has also been paid for enlarging the lake shore path on the south side of the lake, mowing the north side path and installing a new culvert for easier access to the south side area.

d. Board decided to contact lawyer in regard to unpaid assessment and start process to file lien.

2. Reserve Study: a. At the annual meeting on Nov 7, 2014 it was decided that a Capital Reserve Fund(s) needed to be established for long term major budget items. Quotes were obtained from companies that perform the analysis in accordance with the Delaware Uniform Common Interest Ownership Act (DUCIOA). The Wayland Group, LLC proposal was chosen. The cost of the study is $2,000. The Reserve Study Report will bring Willow Lake current with DUCIOA and establish the proper Capital Reserve Accounts. The study will begin in June 2015.

3. Committee Descriptions:

a. Committee descriptions are in the final stage of being formulated. The board decided to post the committee descriptions/reporting guidelines at the same time that the final report is received from the Wayland Group concerning Capital Reserves.

4. ARC Report:

a. Lot 21 submitted a landscaping planting plan to the ARC committee for review and approval. The plan was approved.

5. Trailers: a. A discussion was held concerning a trailer that has been parked in the community for three weeks. The president will send an e-mail to the homeowner citing the covenants and restrictions regarding the storage of trailers on properties.