Willow Lake H.O.A. Board Meeting – July 25, 2020

Members Present:  Don M.,  Steve K.,  Bob S.,  Robert L.,  Ginny S.M.,  Gene M. Members Present via Telephonically:  Robyn K.

  • Robert L. discussed the egg addling status (49) and advised he will be obtaining a Permit again in the Spring of 2021.  On June 13, 2020, fifteen (15) Community volunteers assisted with cleaning up of the common-area tree limbs and mulching around the trees.  We will be looking for Volunteers to assist again at the end of October to clean-up and prepare for the Winter season.  The Leland Cyprus trees in front of the Community at Governor Stockley Road need to be replaced and are slated to be replaced in 2020 or 2021, Budget Permitting.  Bag worms are normally present in July and are treated/sprayed normally in June – there seems to be less bag worms this year in the Community.  Some entranceway Boxwoods and Thorny bushes located at the entranceway mulch beds need to be replaced.
  • Gene M. discussed changes to the Architectural Control Committee (A.C.C.) approval process.  Gene discussed revising, updating and adding to but not changing the approval process.
  • Robyn discussed the importance of Community reminders being placed on our website: www.willowlakeonline.com .  The Board discussed budgeting the amount of $100.00 per year to cover the expenses going forward in 2021 to cover the expenses in maintaining the Community website.
  • The Board discussed Phragmites treatment planned for the Fall of 2020.  The Board received two quotes for the Phragmites eradication.  DUE TO THE PENDING TREATMENT, PLEASE DO NOT CUT OR TREAT THEM YOURSELF PRIOR TO THE CONTRACTOR RESPONDING TO OUR COMMUNITY.
  • The Board further discussed the items that need attention should there be a budget surplus in the Fall:  In no particular order – Willow Tree in the front of the Community, 4”x4” wooden posts to be replaced, Geese management, Boxwoods, Knockout Roses, Sign Posts.
  • The H.O.A. bylaws require an audit of the HOA financial books be conducted each fiscal year and this year’s Financial Review will be conducted in September/October by Robert Lamontagne, Luke Nyman and Ray Hopkins.  THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR ASSISTANCE!!
  • The Board is also looking for additional Architectural Control Committee members – if you have any interest, please contact a Board member accordingly.

NEXT BOARD MEETING:  September 19, 2020

Respectfully submitted:  Bob Scapicchio