Willow Lake H.O.S. Meeting Minutes – September 8, 2021

Members Present:  Don Mentzer, Steve Kempe, Bob Scapicchio

Steve Kempe reviewed the H.O.A. Financial documents as of September 3, 2021

The Board discussed the upcoming Annual H.O.A. Meeting and we will be looking for the Financial Review to be completed to present at the Annual Meeting. 

Don Mentzer discussed the two proposals/quotes for the Community road repairs.  Both quotes were substantially higher than the budgeted amount and the Board will continue to request additional proposals/quotes.  If you are aware of a qualified paving company that would be able to provide a proposal for our road repairs, please advise a member of the Board and we will contact them to discuss our road repair needs further. 

The Board discussed a Request for Proposal for lawn care and snow removal for 2022.  We will be looking for three qualified vendors to provide proposals. 

The Board would like to organize another Fall Community Clean-up of the Common areas like we did last year.  Possible dates for this Community event will be forthcoming via email. 

Respectfully Submitted, Bob Scapicchio