Willow Lake HOA Annual Meeting Minutes 2016


Now is the perfect time to walk our path around the lake. Zoey found a deer bone on one of our trips.
Now is the perfect time to walk our path around the lake. Zoey found a deer bone on one of our trips.
  1. Board members elected are Bob Grasso, Robert Lamontagne and Kathleen Schisler
  2. Amendment to By-Laws passed
  3. 2017 Budget passed

Meeting was called to order by Cheryl Mitchell at 10:30 AM and quorum was established.  Cheryl introduced new residents who have joined the community over the past year.  There are five new families residing in Willow Lake.

Cheryl discussed the road work that was completed in the community.  She addressed concerns by some residents that this expenditure should have gone to a vote.  Cheryl explained that the board has the right and responsibility to maintain the community for the benefit of all residents.    A vote is unnecessary.  Should the community wish to change this method of governance, a change to by-laws and covenants is required.

Treasurer, Frank Morris, discussed the 2017 proposed budget.  There were no questions regarding 2016 income and expenses or 2017 proposed budget.

Steve Kempe, chair of the budget committee, discussed the committee’s method of reviewing the 2015 reserve study and making recommendations that were community specific to Willow Lake.  Their review resulted in adjustments that lowered the HOA fee from $622 to $492.  Notable was the removal of seal coating and postponement of sterile carp replacement.  Committee members did extensive research.  The community thanks them for their efforts.  We are fully reserved at this time.  Steve explained that external factors can affect road and swale repair.  Vassilis Maginnas explained how swale and bio swale maintenance could affect the longevity of the road. Unplanned expenses could affect assessments in the future.

There was a question about where the funds for the road repair came from.  Frank Morris explained that the funds came from an operating surplus of approximately $18,400 that had been carries over from previous budget years.  These funds had been documented in the Financial Status section of the information provided for the 2015 annual meeting.

Robert Lamontage explained the process of goose egg addling in an effort to control our resident geese population. Bob Grasso mentioned that we have an existing bio swale issue and are waiting for DNREC to make repair recommendations. Thom Allen had an issue with the due date of assessment fees.  Cheryl explained that the fees are due on January 1st but all residents get a grace period of 30 days.  All fees must be paid by January 31st, 2017 unless arrangements have been made with the board to pay installments through 1Q 2017 (March 31st).

Meeting was adjourned at noon.

NOTE:  Any resident can request an updated soft copy of the Willow Lake directory from Jean Lamontagne.  Send her an email to lamontagne@mchsi.com.

