Willow Lake HOA Board Meeting 6/23/16

Cheryl Mitchell – President
Frank Morris – Treasurer
Steve Kemp – Budget Committee Chairman
Robert Lamontagne – Advisor for Annual Meeting Preparation

Date, time and location of Annual Meeting confirmed as 11/5/ 16 from 10 am to 1 pm at Indian River Senior Center.

Cheryl asked Robert for advice regarding preparation for the meeting.  Robert responded with a document from last year’s meeting which will be edited to include new items from this year.

An email and /or mailing will be sent to all property owners in August – early September time frame with the meeting agenda asking for topics for discussion, nomination of candidates for the open Board position, etc.

Steve presented budget committee progress.  The main issue is road repair which is on hold pending further estimates.  Once all estimates are received, it will determine the dollar amount to be included in the budget for 2017.

Cheryl brought up the issue of dumped trash on Gov. Stockley road and who was responsible for its cleanup.

Frank asked if anyone knew if it might be possible to change the line painting on Gov. Stockley road to make it a no passing zone outside the community entrance.

Cheryl noted that the number of geese in the community has noticeably increased this year and may need to be controlled.  Robert responded with the historical measures taken and that other steps would be required before any animal removal could take place. It was decided to ask the community a general question about ideas for goose control.

Steve brought up the point that common area care was approximately 60% of our operating budget and that we should get several estimates to make sure what we are paying is in line with what other communities are paying.

There was a discussion about the state of our bio-swales.  Robert indicated that sediment build up and plant growth occurring at the discharge areas may require periodic maintenance.

Cheryl and Frank attended the open house held by Eastern Shore Pipeline at the Millsboro fire hall on 6/22/16.  A company representative showed them a map of the proposed route for the natural gas pipeline. It will run from Seaford to Millsboro along Route 20 (Hardscrabble road) on the side opposite our community and will have no effect on the community. We were only notified because of the community’s proximity to the pipeline route.

At the annual meeting, Steve will present the recommendations from the budget committee and the ensuing effect on the 2017 assessment.

To do list:


  • Ask WB Paving to look at our road for repair estimates.
  • Contact DelDot about no-passing zone outside entrance.


  • Spray Roundup on weeds growing through road surface


  • Find out about trash removal on Gov. Stockley road
  • Get common area maintenance quotes for comparison
  • Check on painting electrical boxes