Willow Lake Home Owners Association Annual Meeting

November 5, 2022, 10:00am

Indian River Senior Center, Millsboro, Delaware

There were nineteen, 19, voting home owners who signed The Sign In Sheet staffed by Sue Kempe.

There were eleven, 11, proxy votes handed in by a designated home owner.

The President of the Home Owners Association, HOA, Don Mentzer, opened the meeting at 10:00am.

The agenda was approved.

Don M reviewed the State Funding, Delaware Transportation Fund that will pave Lakeshore Drive at no cost to the community of home owners.

Don M also pointed out the new street sign by the stop sign and the two directional signs on Governor Stockley Road pointing to Willow Lake.  Thanks to Steve Kempe for following through on this project.

Approximately 100 No Trespassing Signs were attached to trees along our 2-mile trail around the Lake.

Don M asked if an updated list of homeowners is needed and an overwhelming number in attendance indicated yes. He will send the list via email.

Don M thanked the Architectural Review and the Lake and Commons area Committees for their efforts.

Don M reviewed the Financial Overview in Steve Kempe’s, Treasurer absence.  A few questions were answered.  Don M pointed out the HOA fee for 2023 is $407.  Further, he made sure to explain the money set aside for road repair is being proposed for new landscaping in the front of our community.  The proposal includes to spend up to $17,000.

Don M commented on the importance of maintaining an expenditure in the annual budget for a proposed 2041 paving of Lakeshore.  No comments were forthcoming.

There being no further queries about the Financial Overview Don M made a brief statement about the ballots and asked if any questions or comments in an Open Forum.

Three comments were made.  One, asked for a professional evaluation of Willow Lake’s health.  Another was a push to pass the landscaping proposal, and lastly a question was posed about The Delaware State Transportation Fund paying in full the cost of paving Lakeshore Drive.  As a result of public monies paying for the paving of Lakeshore Drive will the road be designated a public road?  Don M said at this point our information says the road will become public.

A comment was made to thank Don  and Steve for their diligent work as Board members. 

There being no further questions or comments the group moved to handing in the ballots.

Prior to adjournment at 10:43 am Don M announced the three ballot results.  The Board of Directors will include Robyn Kirby and Luke Nyman.  Both were voted to the Board unanimously.

The 2023 budget was approved by a vote of 27 yes and 3 no.

The proposed vote for spending up to $17,000 for improvements to the front entrance Landscaping was approved by a vote 26 yes 4 no.

Respectively submitted,

Raymond T. Hopkins III, Secretary